HAIR CARE How to Declutter & Organize Your Beauty Cabinet

by Better Natured

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Do you have an insane amount of beauty products? Even if you don’t have an over-the-top collection, you might be looking for a way to organize your beauty products. Small packages can easily get lost. Pressed powders, eye pallets, and many similar beauty products can crack if they’re not stored properly. A beauty declutter can simplify your routine by putting exactly what you need at your fingertips.

Better Natured's Beauty Declutter

1. Go through each item

Take your time evaluating each product. You don’t have to do this step all at once. You might choose one category to work through each day.

Toss any products that look or smell funny. Throw them out if you don’t like the color or haven’t used them in quite some time. Many beauty products have a suggested shelf life, look for these while making your decision on what to keep and what to toss. By the time you have completed this step, you will have whittled down your collection.

2. Organize beauty products by category

There are a few ways to organize your products. People who have a plethora of products may want to sort by category. For example, you would put all lip products in one box and eye products in another. Cleansing products should be separated from styling products, etc. You could store each category in its clear storage box.

Or others prefer to organize based on how often they use the product. In this case, you would have daily, weekly, monthly, or even special occasion boxes to keep all their beauty necessities in.

3. Clean Everything

Do you dip your fingers in lip gloss residue every time you reach into your makeup bag? Although lip gloss is great for our pout, it is not ideal all over our hands and other cosmetics.

This is a great time to clean. Wipe down storage items, cabinets, and products before you nestle them into their new homes.

4. Choose a method for storing everyday products

You probably have a smaller selection of products that you use routinely. Separate these from your other items making them easily accessible for daily use.

Decide whether you want to store them in full sight, in a drawer, or a cabinet. Many people find their beauty declutter routine more refreshing when the mishmash of items is out of sight. But you should balance function with aesthetics. If keeping your beauty products on the bathroom counter will make it easier to get out the door in the mornings, go for it. There are plenty of organizers you can find that are specifically designed to display beautifully with any bathroom décor.

No matter where you store your items, keep them in an organizer. This should be the right size and shape for the number of products and the location. Silverware organizers work well in drawers. Clear, plastic boxes are ideal for cabinets. Countertop cosmetics organizers look tidy on the counter. Many craft organizers work well for cosmetics as well.

5. Tame Hair Product Bedlam

Brushes, styling tools, and hair accessories never seem to be the right size for streamlined storage. Create some calm by getting a caddy or holster with slots designed for these items. Some attach to the wall, giving you more counter and cabinet space for other things.

Use trays, clear storage boxes, and jars to collect odds and ends, such as elastics and barrettes. Dorm-style shower caddies are ideal for products that can be wet or messy. Choose one with drainage holes and plenty of airflows to prevent moisture and mildew problems.

6. Create a Travel Kit

Do you have extra toiletries that you can’t bear to throw out? Gather some together to make a travel kit. This is an excellent way to organize beauty products that are small and trial-sized items. Include everything that you might need, such as lotion, feminine products, extra contact lenses, and makeup remover wipes. You can grab it and go the next time you’re heading out overnight.

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