Torn between two of AGEbeautiful’s most popular shades? You can have it all with the Red Violet Series, featuring fan favorites: cool reds and vibrant violets! These traffic-stopping shades are sure to impress and work with all complexions.
“Meg’s modern winterberry shade uses 5RV to give her the heat of reds and the cool of violets, while adding youthful-looking reflection and super sexy shine.”
– AGEbeautiful Brand Ambassador Mike Petrizzi
Here's what you need:
- AGEbeautiful
5RV Permanent Liqui-Crème Hair Color - AGEbeautiful
20-volume Developer
Here's what you're going to do:
★ Meg started off with a level 7 dark blonde / light brunette natural color.
- Section hair into four quadrants.
- Apply barrier cream around hairline (conditioner works well).
- Mix 2oz of AGEbeautiful 5RV with 2oz of 20-volume Developer in a bowl or applicator bottle.
- Saturate hair from roots to ends.
- Allow to process for 45 minutes.
- Rinse until the water runs completely clear.
- Shampoo and condition hair.
The beauty of these shades is how well they fit into your complete AGEbeautiful palette. To increase the heat mix in a bit of the super vibrant AGEbeautiful 5RR.